Thursday, May 7, 2009

11pm, Hotel Cafe, John Mayer.

Wednesday may 6th. A day no different from the rest, or so I thought.

My mind was more on the events of the coming days and weeks as I would leave for Oklahoma soon, and just that evening we had taken band photos. Little did I know, what I thought was a normal Wednesday would turn out to be a day of adventure and excitement.

The photo shoot with One Silver Astronaut went well. We got some good shots and had some fun. As that was wrapping up, we made our way back to Shane's house where I decided to call it a night, knowing that I was going to have a full weekend with little sleep to run on. At 10:45pm as I am telling Whitney goodnight I decided to take a look at my facebook, and to my shock I see that my friend Chris Frans' has a profile update of

"Mayer? Secret show?Hauling ass to hotel cafe right now!"

At that I quickly tell Whit that I gata go, and seconds later am in the car driving to Hotel Cafe at warp speed! On my way there I get in contact with Chris who tells me that its 5 bucks and that Mayer had posted on his twitter that he was going on at 11! Knowing that if I had found out about this then the whole LA basin has to be in on it. I had 10 minutes to somewhere that normally took 30, fighting against all odds, half of LA and the laws of physics, but I was not about to let that get me down!

I arrived at 11:09 but had to park about 2 blocks away only to find that parking only took cash. I then sprinted a block to get to a ATM. Once I grabbed some cash, I began to RUN back to the Hotel Cafe!

When I got there I came around the back and saw a good sized line had formed; I quickly jumped in and started the long arduous proses of trying to not let anyone cut me. After about 15 mins the door man let about 15 people in witch moved me up to have only 4 girls in front of me! It was at this point that I relied that the 3 guys behind me had started to stand more next to me and then kinda in front of me. As we waited I struck up a conversation with the door man about his iphone and how he enjoyed it and wanted to get an apple computer. I helped him out and gave him my toughs on witch computer he should get and how much he should expect to pay. At 11:50 someone came out and told the door man...” only 6 more people.” We stared to move forward he let the 4 girls in and once I started to step up the 3 guys who had been behind me grabbed my shoulder and began to very loudly explain how I KNEW that they were in front of me and that i shouldn't try and “pull” that kinda thing on them. I quickly piped up and told them that I was standing behind those girls for the last 40 min and that they were wrong. With that the largest one of them , about 6’6" 250 picked me up and told me to not try it... being that I am not a stupid person I thought it best to drop it, though I was quite MAD! As the 3 guys were going in the door man was saying how they could only take 6 and that they couldn't get all 3 of them in. When I heard that I thought that I had missed it. The door man ended up letting all 3 of those... people... in and I was standing there trying to decide what to do. After about 20 seconds the doorman looked over at me and said “ 5 bucks man hurry”. I quickly fumbled for my money and id. He stamped my hand as I smiled my thanks, he then turned to the rest of the line and said” Everyone go home were not letting anyone else in!”

I couldn't believe that I was the LAST person to get in! When I walked inside I saw 3 of my good friends Matt, Chris and Jomar. They were stoked to see I had gotten in. After being in for only a min or two John Mayer stated his set. It was a great show with an even better story, and that my friends is why I love living in Los Angeles!